We tackle tough issues and develop creative options and practical solutions. Our work focuses on specialized practices areas so our attorneys can always be on the leading edge of developing new ways to resolve client problems.
Our attorneys have developed skills and experience outside of the practice of law and we use those skills to enhance our clients’ interests and our experiences to focus on specific practice areas and industries.
We focus on our clients and their needs. We advise clients on how to avoid and transfer risk and when a dispute develops, we represent clients in mediation, litigation, and arbitration. We are responsive and are always ready to help resolve the most complex issues and cases.
Phone: (919) 865-9500
Fax: (919) 865-9501
1001 Wade Avenue, Suite 423
Raleigh, North Carolina 27605
Phone: (843) 329-9500
Fax: (843) 329-9501
145 King Street, Suite 300
Charleston, South Carolina 29401