We defend cases in several areas of medicine, including orthopedics, emergency medicine, ophthalmology, radiology, and pediatrics, as well as cases involving medical devices and insurance coverage.
Armed with significant knowledge and understanding of the medical profession, we represent physicians in cases involving alleged misdiagnosis and negligent surgery resulting in severe impairment or death. We also represent other individual health care professionals, such as chiropractors, osteopaths, nurses, dentists, and podiatrists, in a variety of professional liability cases.
Our attorneys have access to numerous leading expert witnesses on a national scale to assist in the vigorous defense of our clients in malpractice claims. We regularly consult physicians, hospitals, and other health care providers on risk management and preventive policies and procedures.
We understand the strain a medical malpractice lawsuit can put on health care professionals and businesses, and we work hard to make that process as painless as possible.
Medical Malpractice Team
Mark H. Wall
Founding Shareholder
William “Trey” W. Watkins, Jr.