Businesses also know that the potential for unjust or frivolous lawsuits in relation to such claims can be just as concerning. Toxic tort litigation, in general, has become a popular weapon against business entities. When the threat of these high stakes claims arises, we offer our clients reliable and dedicated services to address these threats and develop tailored solutions to handle claims from start to finish.
At Wall Templeton, our team has defended numerous actions alleging catastrophic and widespread personal injury and property loss for accidents, explosions, burns and asbestos exposure. We also work with developers and contractors to navigate the environmental concerns surrounding construction projects where hazardous materials have been stored or spilled. When these claims are brought to the attention of our clients, we respond with a prompt and pragmatic approach to protect our clients during each step of the process and protect their business.
Toxic Torts Team
Morgan S. Templeton
Founding Shareholder
Mark H. Wall
Senior Counsel
William “Trey” W. Watkins, Jr.
Thomas “Tommy” B. Boger