We represent clients from all industry perspectives including owners, sureties, insurers, contractors, subcontractors, designers, and suppliers. The issues we tackle are numerous – construction and contract disputes, acceleration and delay claims, risk assessment and avoidance, abandonment claims, disruption claims, consequential damages, insurance coverage disputes, economic and catastrophic loss, employment, debt collection – and we work tirelessly toward an effective resolution.
Our understanding of and experience with the construction industry allows us to focus on your specific needs to achieve the best obtainable results for your business. We help you understand the relevant factual and legal issues so you can decide the best course of action. When a dispute cannot be amicably resolved, we’ll be there to put the question to the jury, judge, or arbitrator.
Some of our attorneys have practical experience as engineers or backgrounds working in or around the construction industry, so it’s no surprise construction is one of our chief areas of focus. It is a reason why our clients consistently turn to us to minimize risks associated with the construction industry.
Construction Team
Keith E. Coltrain
Founding Shareholder
Neil S. Haldrup
Managing Shareholder
Ford H. Thrift
William “Trey” W. Watkins, Jr.
Peyton D. Mansure
Of Counsel
James “Jamie” C. Land